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All Other Databases (General) (35 Lists)

All Other Databases (General)

The databases in this category are all items that did not fall into any of the other website database, business database, or download database categories. There is a wide selection of general purpose content databases available which includes Articles, Music Lyrics, Diamond Comparison and many more.

Informational and educational based databases in this category include lists of data and facts about volcanoes, earthquakes, quotes and random facts. Informational databases not only expand your knowledge but can be used for educational purposes or your own general business needs.

Some of our detailed and organized lists of information contained in these databases are entertaining. Our Jokes Database can be used for a fun web based business which is sure to bring traffic to your site.

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Facts Database (3,500 Records)


download Facts Database. All Business databases, content databases and lists available for instant download. Database download formats include MySQL, MS Access, CSV, and other Delimited Formats.


Fact Related Information

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Volcanoes Database (1,521 Records)


This information contains information on Volcanoes worldwide. A volcano is a geological landform (usually a mountain) where magma (rock of the earth's interior made molten or liquid by high pressure and temperature) erupts through the surface of the...


Name, Elevation, Type, Location, Longitude, Latitude, Status

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Earthquakes Database (5,721 Records)


This database contains statistical information on historical Earthquakes. It includes information such as Longitude, Latitude and date of the Earthquake. Also information such as the intensity, and related deaths, and a Tsunami indicator field. An...


ID, Location, Longitude, Latitude, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Depth, Magnitude, Intensity, Deaths, Damage Miles, Tsunami Flag

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Legal Glossary Database (1,117 Records)


This database contains legal terms and definitions. A dictionary specific to legal terminology, such as legal terms you would find in BlackĀ“s Law Dictionary. A glossary is an alphabetical list of terms designed or fitted for one particular field of...


ID, Letter, Term, Defenition

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Beer Brands Database (7,856 Records)


This database contains listing for Beer brands throughout the world. The information contained consists of Brewery information and specifics related to the individual beer item.


ID, Beer Name, Brewery Name, Country, Province/State, Foods the item pair well with, Type of Brewery, Serving sizes, Container Type, Glass Type, Serving Temprature, Fermentation Type, Pasturization Flags, Alchohol Weight, Alchohol By Volume

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Software Repository Database (22,710 Records)


This database includes all of the data you will need to start a software download site/directory. It also includes the link to the PAD file so that you can get updates on any software changes. The MySQL version of the database is compliant with the free...


Company Name, Software Title, Version Number, Procut Date, Software URL, Contact Email, Software Price, Product Type, Operating System, Download Size, Software Category, Keywords, Software Description, Company Home Page URL, Screenshot, PAD File URL, Download Link URL.

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PAD Files URL Database (30,000 Records)


All PADs are descriptors of freeware software or shareware software with free downloads links. The database contains urls of the pad files. All pad files have been checked at the time of submission for dead links. PAD files is a xml description of...


ID, Pad File URL

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Quotes Pack 1 Database (2,935 Records)


This database contains memorable quotes by individuals.


ID, Category Letter, Author, Category/Topic, Quote

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New Age Dictionary Database (181,883 Records)


A dictionary is a list of words with their definitions, a list of characters with their glyphs, or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages. Many dictionaries also provide pronunciation information, word derivations, histories, or...


ID, Defenition Word, Defenition Letter, Word Index, Defenition

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Inspirational Stories Database (306 Records)


The inspirational story database contains 306 inspirational stories/quotes/poems that will touch your heart right where you need it.


ID, Title, Author, Story, Source

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