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Canada Business Lists and Data (35 Lists)

Canada Business Lists and Data

Each Canada Database is available for download and covers many different business categories. If you are looking for a Canada database to download, then the lists in this section are sure to fit your needs. If the Canada Business Database you are after is not listed, be sure to let us know, and we will get the Canada List you are in need of.

If you plan on starting a business in Canada, these Canadian business lists are great from marketing to Canada Businesses as well. Download one of our Canada Databases today and expand your Canada Business information and data with organized and detailed information.

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New Brunswick Canada Company Details Database (25,828 Records)


New Brunswick has a modern service based economy dominated by the finance, insurance, health care and educational sectors and this is based out of all three of the principal urban centres. In addition to the above; heavy industry is found in Saint John,...


Business Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Fax Number, Phone Number, Sales Volume, Employee Count, Contact Names and Titles, SIC Codes and Descriptions, Location Type, Ownership Type, CBI Number, CMA, Ad Size in Yellow Pages, Franchise Information,

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Manitoba Canada Company Details Database (41,847 Records)


Manitoba's early economy was one that depended on mobility and living off of the land. A number of Aboriginal Nations that included the Cree, Ojibwa, Dene, Sioux and Assiniboine followed herds of bison and congregated to trade among themselves at key...


Business Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Fax Number, Phone Number, Sales Volume, Employee Count, Contact Names and Titles, SIC Codes and Descriptions, Location Type, Ownership Type, CBI Number, CMA, Ad Size in Yellow Pages, Franchise Information,

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British Columbia Canada Company Details Database (164,013 Records)


British Columbia has a resource dominated economy. While employment in the resource sector has fallen steadily, unemployment is currently at a 30-year low of 4.5%. New jobs are mostly in the construction and retail/service sectors. Currently, the...


Business Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Fax Number, Phone Number, Sales Volume, Employee Count, Contact Names and Titles, SIC Codes and Descriptions, Location Type, Ownership Type, CBI Number, CMA, Ad Size in Yellow Pages, Franchise Information,

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Alberta Canada Company Details Database (116,828 Records)


The economy of Alberta is one of the strongest in Canada, supported by agriculture and technology, but primarily by the burgeoning petroleum industry. The per capita GDP (nominal) is by far the highest of all provinces in Canada, at $66,279. The...


Business Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Fax Number, Phone Number, Sales Volume, Employee Count, Contact Names and Titles, SIC Codes and Descriptions, Location Type, Ownership Type, CBI Number, CMA, Ad Size in Yellow Pages, Franchise Information,

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Niagara Falls Canada Yellow Pages Database (6,464 Records)


The listings contained in this data source are updated on a biweekly basis, and are amassed from new telephone connections established as a Business Account that would normally be added to our Yellow Pages. It contains listings for 6,464 businesses...


ID, Category, Subcategory, Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Email Address, Website URL

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Ottawa Canada Yellow Pages Database (25,677 Records)


The listings contained in this business download database source are updated on a biweekly basis, and are amassed from new telephone connections established as a Business Account that would normally be added to our Yellow Pages. It contains listings for...


ID, Category, Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Email Address, Website URL, Time Zone, Latitude, Longitude, DST Flag

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Toronto Canada Yellow Pages Database (72,567 Records)


The listings contained in this data source are updated on a biweekly basis, and are amassed from new telephone connections established as a Business Account that would normally be added to our Yellow Pages. It contains listings for 72,567 businesses...


ID, Category, Subcategory, Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Email Address, Website URL

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Canada - Camps Database (2,493 Records)


This database contains a list of Camps in Canada. A camp is a place providing care and activities for children, or groups of individuals during a specified span of time. Such camps tend to provide structured activities.


ID, Category, Business Name, Address, City, Province Abbreviation, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Area Code, Time Zone, Daylight Savings Time Flag, Longitude, Laditude, Province

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Canada - Restaurants Database (32,156 Records)


This database contains information on all Restaurants in Canada. This business list consists of eateries, restaurants, dining facilities, and other establishments classified in the Canadian Restaurants Guide.


ID, Category, Business Name, Address, City, Province Abbreviation, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Area Code, Time Zone, Daylight Savings Time Flag, Longitude, Laditude, Province

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Canada - Lawyers Database (13,233 Records)


This database contains information on all Lawyers in Canada. Lawyers included in this database cover all major practices, and areas of law.


ID, Category, Business Name, Address, City, Province Abbreviation, Postal Code, Phone Number, Fax Number, Area Code, Time Zone, Daylight Savings Time Flag, Longitude, Laditude, Province

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