About XML
XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is a markup language that is connected to W3C. The purpose of XML is to generate markup languages that are designed to define different types of data. In addition to being able to define different types of data, XML files are also capable of holding data within databases. Systems which are designed with XML will seek to share information and multiple systems, especially those that are connected to the World Wide Web. The creation of XML has led to a large number of languages that are based on it, and some of these are RSS, GML, EAD, KLIP, and Atom.
The foundation for XML was first laid down near the end of the 1980s. By 1995, a number of developers begin to realize that SGML could be used effectively on the internet. It was Dan Connolly who first combined SGML with W3C. As he worked on the task of integrated SGML with the internet, he got the attention of Microsoft, and they begin to support him. XML was designed by a small group of people, and the programming language was first showcased in 1998. One of the most unique aspects of XML is that the group who created it never met face to face.
They communicated through email and teleconferences that were held each week. The creation of XML was successful, and it played an important role in the usability of the internet. It is also made it a lot easier to create and process software. By the year 2000, the second edition of XML was created, and the third edition was introduced by 2004. The fourth edition was released in August of 2006. XML has a number of powerful features that has allowed it to become one of the most popular programming languages today. It uses a text method of creating a tree structure of information.
With XML, all the information is showcased as text at the most basic level. The markup is the element that defines how the data is separated within a hierarchy. The hierarchy is called character data, and elements and attributes are included as well. However, the most important part of XML is the "character." The character will be denoted by the Universal Character Set. The characters within XML can be added to serial combinations, and this will create a XML document. The XML document will be comprised of a number of different entities, and these entities will be encoded in the form of bits. The bits will be placed within a text file.
XML files can be served with a number of different media types. Some have said that the combination of text with xml can lead to a number of encoding issues. In any event, XML documents can quickly be created within a short period of time, and they can be maintained easily. Before the advent of XML, there were not a large number of data description languages that were friendly towards the internet. Many of these languages were also hard to learn. The problem with older data formats is that they couldn't be shared across multiple languages or platforms. The introduction of XML has solved many of these problems.