Free Dunkin Donuts Database and Developer Resources
Every webmaster or blogger understands the benefit of being on top of what is hot at the moment to capitalize on getting some indexable content out there for the search terms that are trending. With the recent IPO of Dunkin Brands which began trading Wednesday under the symbol "DNKN" there is sure to be some search volume for Dunkin Donuts related content. With that in mind we put together a free database of Dunkin Donut's locations to see what our savvy users can come up with. Grab a copy of the free list, use some of the graphic resources we have gathered for you and show us what you can do!
Database Information
The free download contains geocoded location information and contact data for almost 5 thousand Dunkin locations and comes in CSV, MySQL Dump, Microsoft Access, MS Excel Spreadsheet and XML formats.
Download Dunkin Donuts Locations
Now that you have your hands on the data you need to get the juices flowing, here is some related imagery to use as inspiration in your development:
Dunkin Donuts Icons

Six high quality detailed icons courtesy of Icon Block for your enjoyment and development pleasure. Each image is available in 512x512 256x256 128x128 48x48 32x32 and 16x16. Grab the icons for Windows, Mac, and Icontainer formats. Icon Finder also has them in each size converted to PNG Files. More Inspiration needed? Check out some nifty Fan Photos or Isolated Objects.
More Dunkin Content
If the above is not enough to spur some thoughts grab additional content to expand your ideas. Grab historical Dunkin Donuts stock price data from Yahoo. Look for the Download to Spreadsheet link at the bottom which will export your data selection to CSV. Writing a PHP script to grab this data can be done in just a few lines of code:
Using file_get_contents()
$dunkin_file = file_get_contents(""); file_put_contents("writable_file.csv", $dunkin_file);
Using CURL
$ch = curl_init(""); $fh = fopen("writable_file.csv", "w"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);
Misc. Dunkin Resources
- Nutrition Data (PDF Available too)
- Menu Items
- DD Press Release Archive
- DNKN SEC Filing Data
- Related Wordpress Themes
Show us Your Work
Be sure to drop a link and related information for what you put together in your comments and show off your work. If there is enough interest with this type of developer challenge we'll continue to put together some resources for sticky search terms going forward. Maybe we can muster up some sort of nice prize and make a contest out of it. Happy Coding!
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