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Our Bakers and Bakeries Database includes complete listings for more than twenty thousand bakery establishments located throughout the United States. It contains all of the information that you'll ever need to put your marketing plan to attract new consumers of your products and services into place. With the latest contact information contained within this comprehensive listing, your company can generate thousands of prospective leads with a real potential to realize new profits and repeat business.
Bakers and Bakeries Marketing
Boosting profits is easily accomplished by expanding your company's reach beyond your existing customers. Perhaps the best way to accomplish this scenario and increase your existing customer database is to increase your marketing efforts. Using the contact information contained within our Bakers and Bakeries Database, you can create a marketing campaign designed to establish new business relationships between as many of these bakeries and your company as possible.If you believe that your marketing efforts are already as comprehensive as possible, take another look at them. It is possible that you need to try a new avenue of advertising or you may need to increase the number of contacts that you attempt to make. In general, the greater number of potential customers you contact, the higher the possibility that you can establish a new business relationship.
Whether you use an email strategy that issues monthly offers, bonus buys, or newsletters or you utilize a snail-mail campaign with coupon codes for special discounts or free shipping, the opportunity exists to generate new leads with very little effort. You can make a lot of contacts using this comprehensive database that includes not only bakers, but also includes bakers' equipment, restaurants that feature bakeries, pastry shops, chocolate wholesalers, sugar manufacturers, pie shops, and all sorts of establishments offering pastry items.
Bakeries Database Drip-Marketing Strategy
Since timing is a big part of the picture, it is a good idea to incorporate a drip-marketing plan rather than a single, one-time communication. Consider incorporating email, postal mail, and phone-calling campaigns to attract new consumers of your products and services. It's easy to do, especially if you create a standard script for each of your marketing efforts.Access to complete listings for 20,000+ potential leads provides your business with a viable opportunity to grow and succeed more quickly and profitably. Figure out your plan of attack and forge ahead with your marketing strategy. Once you have the scripts created, you can use them over and over again at a minimal cost.
Reliability of Oddity's Bakers and Bakeries Database List
Since Oddity updates this selection of bakery-establishment listings every three months, you can rest assured that you have access to the most current data. Not only is this an important aspect of the database for your personal business use, but it is also important for the Web visitors who use your site to obtain information on business locations for bakeries and related establishments.Bakers and Bakeries Database Content
If your website is SEO driven, as most sites are, then Oddity's Bakers and Bakeries Database can provide that extra bit of content needed to boost your search engine ranking. Due to the comprehensive nature of this particular database, adding substance to your website is simplified. The inclusion of Oddity's Bakers and Bakeries Database on your website provides comprehensive listings of bakeries and related establishments across the United States, including website URL, email contact, physical address, phone number, zip code, and more. Incorporating Oddity's Bakers and Bakeries Database on your site provides valuable content for Web users searching for the location of local establishments, adding to your site's credibility as a useful website to visit.This databse contains listings for Bakers and Bakeries in the United States. A baker is someone who bakes and sells bread, cakes and similar foods. The place where the baker works is called a bakehouse, bakeshop or bakery. The subcategory listings in this database include: Cake Decorating Services, Breads, Bakers' Equipment & Supplies Wholesale & Manufacturers, Sugar Retail, Retail, Chocolate & Cocoa Wholesale & Manufacturers, Bakers' Equipment- Supplies- & Service, Bakeries Wholesale & Manufacturers, Chocolate & Cocoa Retail, Bakers' Equipment & Supplies Dealers, Restaurants, Baking, Pastry Shops, Cake & Pie Shops, Sugar Wholesale & Manufacturers, Donuts Retail and Bakeries Consultants.
Table Schema Database Field Statistics
Field | Records | Percent | Type | Comment |
id | 44,296 | 100% | int(11) | Unique Identifier |
biz_name | 44,296 | 100% | varchar(150) | Business Name |
biz_info | 0 | 0% | text | Business Information and Description |
cat_primary | 44,296 | 100% | varchar(75) | Business Primary Category |
cat_sub | 34,395 | 78% | varchar(75) | Business Secondary/Sub Category |
e_address | 42,988 | 97% | varchar(100) | Physical Address |
e_city | 44,294 | 100% | varchar(50) | Physical Address City |
e_state | 44,296 | 100% | varchar(20) | Physical Address State / Province |
e_postal | 44,296 | 100% | varchar(7) | Physical Address Postal Code |
e_zip_full | 37,600 | 85% | varchar(10) | Zip +4 for US Physical Addresses |
e_country | 44,296 | 100% | varchar(20) | Physical Address Country |
loc_county | 44,277 | 100% | varchar(40) | Physical Address County |
loc_area_code | 44,277 | 100% | varchar(3) | Physical Address Area Code |
loc_FIPS | 44,280 | 100% | varchar(5) | Federal Information Processing Standard - http:/ / www. epa. gov/ enviro/ html/ codes/ state. html |
loc_MSA | 18,656 | 42% | varchar(5) | Metropolitan Statistical Area - http:/ / www. census. gov/ population/ www/ metroareas/ metrodef. html |
loc_PMSA | 17,913 | 40% | varchar(5) | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area - http:/ / www. census. gov/ epcd/ www/ g97geo2. htm |
loc_TZ | 44,280 | 100% | varchar(6) | Location Time Zone |
loc_DST | 44,296 | 100% | enum('Y','N','U') | Daylight Savings Time (Yes, No, Unknown) |
loc_LAT_centroid | 44,277 | 100% | varchar(15) | Latitude (Centroid Based) |
loc_LAT_poly | 43,930 | 99% | varchar(15) | Latitude (Precision Polygon Based) |
loc_LONG_centroid | 44,277 | 100% | varchar(15) | Longitude (Centroid Based) |
loc_LONG_poly | 43,930 | 99% | varchar(15) | Longitude (Precision Polygon Based) |
biz_phone | 44,266 | 100% | varchar(20) | Business Phone Number |
biz_phone_ext | 0 | 0% | varchar(8) | Business Phone Number Extension |
biz_fax | 721 | 2% | varchar(20) | Business Fax Number |
biz_email | 438 | 1% | varchar(75) | Business Contact Email Address |
web_url | 22,553 | 51% | varchar(175) | Website URL |
web_meta_title | 56 | 0% | varchar(255) | Website Meta Title |
web_meta_desc | 53 | 0% | varchar(255) | Website Meta Description |
web_meta_keys | 7 | 0% | varchar(255) | Website Meta Keywords |
Bakeries Records Information | |||
USA | Alaska | 106 | Bakeries |
USA | Alabama | 630 | Bakeries |
USA | Arkansas | 498 | Bakeries |
USA | Arizona | 772 | Bakeries |
USA | California | 4,118 | Bakeries |
USA | Colorado | 837 | Bakeries |
USA | Connecticut | 925 | Bakeries |
USA | District Of Columbia | 148 | Bakeries |
USA | Delaware | 194 | Bakeries |
USA | Florida | 2,188 | Bakeries |
USA | Georgia | 1,104 | Bakeries |
USA | Hawaii | 280 | Bakeries |
USA | Iowa | 527 | Bakeries |
USA | Idaho | 287 | Bakeries |
USA | Illinois | 1,962 | Bakeries |
USA | Indiana | 882 | Bakeries |
USA | Kansas | 596 | Bakeries |
USA | Kentucky | 554 | Bakeries |
USA | Louisiana | 711 | Bakeries |
USA | Massachusetts | 1,923 | Bakeries |
USA | Maryland | 834 | Bakeries |
USA | Maine | 381 | Bakeries |
USA | Michigan | 1,345 | Bakeries |
USA | Minnesota | 857 | Bakeries |
USA | Missouri | 842 | Bakeries |
USA | Mississippi | 362 | Bakeries |
USA | Montana | 191 | Bakeries |
USA | North Carolina | 1,099 | Bakeries |
USA | North Dakota | 148 | Bakeries |
USA | Nebraska | 397 | Bakeries |
USA | New Hampshire | 471 | Bakeries |
USA | New Jersey | 1,427 | Bakeries |
USA | New Mexico | 305 | Bakeries |
USA | Nevada | 444 | Bakeries |
USA | New York | 2,753 | Bakeries |
USA | Ohio | 1,507 | Bakeries |
USA | Oklahoma | 656 | Bakeries |
USA | Oregon | 706 | Bakeries |
USA | Pennsylvania | 1,803 | Bakeries |
USA | Rhode Island | 484 | Bakeries |
USA | South Carolina | 591 | Bakeries |
USA | South Dakota | 130 | Bakeries |
USA | Tennessee | 797 | Bakeries |
USA | Texas | 2,707 | Bakeries |
USA | Utah | 444 | Bakeries |
USA | Virginia | 1,015 | Bakeries |
USA | Vermont | 197 | Bakeries |
USA | Washington | 926 | Bakeries |
USA | Wisconsin | 918 | Bakeries |
USA | West Virginia | 210 | Bakeries |
USA | Wyoming | 107 | Bakeries |